Frequently asked questions

Get in touch with us at if you have any more questions, or suggestions.

We are always excited to hear from you!

Can I create mixes using songs from Spotify, YouTube, etc?

We do not yet provide any type of integration with music streaming services like Spotify or YouTube. DropLab will only work with your locally imported audio files (mp3, wav, flac, m4a, etc).

What is your refund policy?


Frequently asked questions

Get in touch with us at if you have any more questions, or suggestions.

We are always excited to hear from you!

Can I create mixes using songs from Spotify, YouTube, etc?

We do not yet provide any type of integration with music streaming services like Spotify or YouTube. DropLab will only work with your locally imported audio files (mp3, wav, flac, m4a, etc).

What is your refund policy?


Frequently asked questions

Get in touch with us at if you have any more questions, or suggestions.

We are always excited to hear from you!

Can I create mixes using songs from Spotify, YouTube, etc?

We do not yet provide any type of integration with music streaming services like Spotify or YouTube. DropLab will only work with your locally imported audio files (mp3, wav, flac, m4a, etc).

What is your refund policy?


A drag and drop desktop app for creating DJ mixes.

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Copyright © 2024 VOCODE TECHNOLOGY SRL. All rights reserved.

A drag and drop desktop app for creating DJ mixes.

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Copyright © 2024 VOCODE TECHNOLOGY SRL. All rights reserved.

A drag and drop desktop app for creating DJ mixes.

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